Mercedes-Benz requires all dealerships add a Repair Order number and the full Customer VIN to all contracts created in Dealerware in order to receive reimbursement via Paragon (e.g. CVP parts reimbursement for vehicles under warranty).
Why is this required?
- Mercedes-Benz USA requires this data for reimbursements via Paragon (e.g. CVP parts reimbursement for vehicles under warranty).
- Closed contract data is automatically sent to Mercedes-Benz USA and Paragon monthly.
Therefore, the RO# must be entered into the Repair Order Number field, and the full Customer VIN must be entered into the Service Vehicle ID field
- Pro Tip: Mandate Repair Order. When enabled, the RO field must be filled out before a user can complete a contract.
Add Repair Order Number & Customer VIN
Follow the instructions below to learn how to enter this data during contract creation, and how to enter the data in Dealerware Web after a contract is closed.
*A daily audit of closed contracts is recommended to ensure the data is complete before the end of each business day. The audit process is also explained below.
Using Dealerware Mobile:
Dealerware Mobile users can enter Repair Order Number and Service Vehicle ID (full Customer VIN) while creating a new contract.
- Create a Contract in Dealerware Mobile
- Enter the Repair Order Number into the field provided
- Enter the full Customer VIN into the Service Vehicle ID field
NOTE: The Repair Order Number & Service Vehicle ID fields can’t be edited when finishing a contract in Dealerware Mobile, but they can be edited later using Dealerware Web.
Using Dealerware Web:
Dealerware Web users will be able to enter Repair Order and Service Vehicle ID (full Customer VIN) while creating a new contract. (See the next section, Daily Reporting Audit, for instructions on how to edit this data while the contract is open, or after the contract is closed.)
- Create a contract in Dealerware Web
- Enter in the Repair Order number into the field provided
- Enter the full Customer VIN into the Service Vehicle ID field
Audit Contracts Daily:
It's recommended that you audit finished contracts before the end of each day to ensure the Repair Order number & Customer VIN (entered in the Service Vehicle ID field) are entered properly.
- Login to my.dealerware.com
- Select Contracts from the main menu
- Select the Show dropdown at the top of the report
- Filter by Finished Today
For contracts missing Repair Order and/or Service Vehicle ID, follow these steps to enter the data:
- Select the Contract ID
- Input the Repair Order & Customer VIN (in the Service Vehicle ID field)
- Select Save