Ensure that vehicles are kept in the correct vehicle status throughout the day.
- Once a vehicle is returned by a customer, ensure that the vehicle is immediately designated for cleaning and its status is updated to in-prep. Immediately cleaning and prepping vehicles ensures that they are ready to go for potential walk-ins or last-minute customers.
- Once a vehicle has been cleaned and prepped, update the vehicle to a staged status and park it in the lot’s designated rental pickup area.
- The goal is to have zero cars in a hard-hold status, and no more than a few at a time in maintenance status. The industry best practice is to maintain a level below 2% of vehicles in maintenance.
- Continually follow up on cars in both hard-hold and maintenance statuses to attempt to return the vehicles to the rentable fleet.
Throughout the day, proactively cancel invalid reservations to free up inventory and ensure vehicle availability for all valid reservations. Invalid reservations or cars waiting for no-shows tie up inventory that could otherwise be booked by a valid renter.