Dealerware Toll Services automates the tracking and recovery of tolls. The type of toll incurred will depend on who hit the road and when the toll was reported to Dealerware. Toll types include:
- Contract toll: Toll incurred by a customer while in a vehicle under contract. The toll will be added to the customer invoice 10 days after the contract is finished, and the payment method on file in Dealerware will be automatically charged.
- Non-contract toll: Toll incurred by a vehicle while not under contract. The dealership is liable to pay for these tolls.
- Late toll: Toll reported to Dealerware more than 10 days after the contract is finished. Late tolls are not charged to the customer for CSI reasons. To recover these tolls, add an additional charge to the customer's contract.
Monthly, your dealership is invoiced by Dealerware for all Dealerware Services and tolls incurred. The dealership is then reimbursed for toll, fuel, and other charges collected from the customer.