VINs to Multiple Programs allows a VIN to be assigned to more than one Program, enabling a single vehicle to serve multiple use cases based on program or source of business.
How does VINs to Multiple Programs work?
When a Program is assigned to a reservation, the program acts as a billing configuration. During the start-contract workflow, a vehicle within the program is selected and assigned to a contract, at which point the program-level billing configuration applies to the contract.
It’s important to add the source of business and rate details to a program's name so that it’s clear to a Dealerware user when assigning a program during the reservation workflow—for example, Rental: 35/Day.
The Program’s corresponding Driver Agreement applies to the vehicle chosen during the start-contract workflow, therefore it’s important to confirm that the correct Driver Agreements are assigned to Vehicle Programs (see: Multi-Agreements).
How does VINs to Multiple Programs impact availability?
Dealerware now calculates availability at the combined-fleet level, rather than at the Program level. This means that the Dealerware platform will compare the active contracts to the total number of vehicles at your location for a given new-reservation period (between pick-up & drop-off).
If there are more vehicles than active contracts, the platform will allow a reservation to be created without the risk of overbooking, due to general availability.
If there are fewer cars than active contracts, then there is a risk of overbooking and the platform will notify you with a warning message when selecting reservation pick-up and drop-off dates.
The Program chosen during the reservation workflow will continue to dictate which vehicles are available to assign to a corresponding contract.
How do I assign VINs to multiple Programs?
There are two ways you can assign a VIN to one or more Programs from the Vehicles page: via the Vehicles table, or when uploading an individual vehicle.
Assign VINs from the Vehicles Page
- Select Vehicles from the main menu
- Select the checkbox next to the VINs you wish to assign to multiple Programs
- Select Change Program from the pop-up
- Select all applicable Programs from the pop-up
- Select Save
*Note that a VIN must be in a non-rented vehicle status in order to be reassigned to a Program.
Assign VINs when Uploading a Vehicle
- Select Vehicles from the main menu
- Select Add Vehicle at the top-right of the page
- Fill out all the mandatory fields
- Select all applicable Programs from the dropdown menu
- Select outside of the dropdown menu
- Select Add Vehicle
How do I know which Program(s) a VIN is assigned to?
- Select Vehicles from the main menu
- Locate the vehicle in question
- View the Programs column and observe the affiliated programs